Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's Snow Fun (or, there goes that Mother-Of-The-Year Award)

Are you sure you want to read this? It is, after all, being posted by someone who's come smooth out of the running for any sort of cool-mum nod. Apparently I thought it was more important to do inane and stupid things (like tidy rooms and do homework, which at kindergarten level is learning to read by reading every book upon which one might lay one's otherwise idle hands) than to go outside and play in Nature's white confection. Alas and alack, cried my short people, how are we ever to develop into truly well-rounded human beings who might make positive contributions to the world if we don't get to go out and play in the snow??!! (All right, so it wasn't necessarily so eloquently said as that, but you get the idea.) My mom DID say I'd pay for my own raising at some point, but silly me, I thought it wouldn't be till the little toerags were of ages that ended in "-teen".

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