Monday, February 25, 2008

Constant Cravings

Forgive me, Phillip Morris, for I have abandoned you. It has been five weeks, two days, fifteen hours, and forty minutes since my last cigarette.

Hail Marlboro, full of taste; the lighter is with you. Addictive are you among full-flavored filtered, and addictive is your low-tar offshoot, Marlboro Lights. Yummy Marlboro, nail in the coffin, satisfy us smokers, now and at the hour of our death from lung cancer or tuberculosis or emphysema or something else related to our having ingested you for years and years.

It seems that k.d. lang had it right ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Donna, I found your blog via another ex' Brit' in OKC and have enjoyed reading.