Friday, February 29, 2008

Changes Aren't Permanent, But Change Is

So you may have noticed that you had to click an acknowledgement before wandering into my cyber-parlor today, yes? I decided that some of my friends - who are loved just as dearly as any other of my friends, so y'all don't be getting any stupid ideas about somebody being more loved than somebody else - might not really like some of the things that I post. These "loved as much as any of the others" friends are rather ... um ... lily-livered, if I can use that term. I'm not convinced that they'll stay quite so long or come back so often after they've seen that bit.

Six weeks and two hours and forty-three minutes ago, I quit smoking. I don't feel better, I don't feel happier, I don't feel much of anything positive. The fact that I haven't ripped off anyone's arm and beaten them to a pulp with the bloody stump is really the best part of it all so far. I know it will all be hugely beneficial to me physically in the end, and I know that the house and the vehicle and my clothes aren't so smelly anymore, and I know that this makes me less of a socially ostracized individual.




Pam said...

Girl! how are you! I am proud of you for quitting smoking, I know it is rough. But you will be patting yourself on the back 10 years from now when you don't have emphysema and some of those still smoking do. Worst I have been hearing about is bladder cancer from smoking -- 2 people I have heard of recently Who wants that? UGH. Stick with it and go buy some fantastic shoes with all that money you are saving ;)

The game is to do a six word biography of yourself. I'm thinking of making it a daily thing, since basically I have not much to blog about!

See you on the ides!

Unknown said...

Hang in there, you already know all the reasons to keep Pam says try some retail therapy...but STICK WITH IT!