Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas (Un)Wrapping

The brats actually let us sleep till 8:00 this morning! They came bouncing in, the three of them, filled with smiles and shouts and giggles. Poor kids ... their mean parents weren't quite ready to wake up yet, so we made them pile in bed with us and watch TV for about half an hour before saying it was time to go see what had transpired overnight in the living room.

Within a half hour, chaos reigned.

Still no word on how all that's going to get tidied up, but no matter. It's Christmas!

Kymber (also known as K.C. to those of us who've known her all her life) got a JVC system with a wicked subwoofer (her mother's daughter *g*) through which she can play her iPod, a game for her Nintendo DS, a book and book-light, and gift cards to American Eagle, Aeropostale, Claire's, and Bath & Body Works.

Kieran got a gaming chair (you plug the Nintendo DS into it; there are speakers on either side of the headrest, and you can either set it straight on the floor and rock in it or attach a pedestal), a bunch of Star Wars figures, books on Star Wars and dinosaurs, some winter weather gear, and a new game for his Nintendo DS.

Kendall also got a gaming chair and a game for her Nintendo DS, plus a Barbie and a bunch of Barbie clothes, two fairy books, some cold-weather wear, and a toy veterinarian set with a cute little puppy-dog.

Of course, all three monsters scored big on the candy from Santa, who also brought them each a gift card from Gap ... guess he knows how they like to shop.

Mark got a nice-sized wad of cash (cleverly disguised as a deposit into his golf account for spending as he sees fit). Santa brought him some more cash (there's a rumor that the cash was actually supposed to be gift cards to Buffalo Wild Wings but due to licensing arrangements these can't be produced at the North Pole, and by the time he got to BWW they were all out of the cards) and some chocolate golf balls.

I got the pleasure of seeing smiles and hearing laughs from my husband and children, the promise of having to clean up the mess, and some lovely memories! In my stocking were a couple of books and some tasty lip gloss. Oh, and I got this ...My friend Mary gave me her recipe for sausage rolls, so I decided to try making them for breakfast. They came out really well and are (if I might say so myself) very tasty!

We're off to visit some friends shortly, where there will be more gifts and smiles and laughter and the lifting of beverages to toast the day.

I hope most sincerely that your Christmas is filled with warmth, light, laughter, and love. If you're missing a loved one because s/he is Over There, please know that we will raise a glass to them and send up our most fervent hopes for their safe return to you. If you're far away from your family, maybe today's the day to go make some new friends and create some traditions all your own. Most of all, though, here's wishing for peace on earth and goodwill to everyone.

Christmas hugs to you and yours from me and mine!

1 comment:

JohnnyNVA said...

You going to share the recipe for those sausage roles? I was salivating on my computer monitor again (not good).