Sunday, August 19, 2007

Post-Summer Musings

I'm so sorry not to have bored you with musings since June, Fair Reader! This is what I worried would happen when I started this blog (well, one of the things anyhow), but no matter. We're all here together now, aren't we?

Last time we met, I was becoming ever more churlish at the Pollyanna-esque chipperness of Hector the Gate Agent at O'Hare. (We finally did get out of there, landing in Manchester nine hours late ... no word on what befell the other travellers who were using the same plane on subsequent flights.) Since then, we enjoyed England together as a family, Mark and I learned some things about Paris, and we discovered that one should *always* put one's duty-free purchases in one's checked luggage after clearing Customs if one has purchased anything in liquid form and means to carry it to one's final destination (otherwise, one will get home with perhaps less than what one spent $125 on at the duty-free, whether said purchases remain sealed in their duty-free bag with receipt plainly visible or not).

The twins started first grade last week, and K.C. started sixth grade. How are they old enough for that when they were born yesterday and we've had them forever??!! I feel so mortal.

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