Thursday, June 28, 2007

"Oh, That Sucks."

That's what Hector The Gate Agent said to me earlier.

He saw us dragging into the departure lounge around 11:30, you see, and he comes over with this big smile all on his face, and he says, "Hi! How've you been since I saw you not all that long ago?" (Total cheese, and not just because he reeked of insincerity, but also because when I called his bluff and actually TOLD him how we've been, he suddenly found lots of other things to do.)

When I told him that the best part was that the stupid vouchers that he'd said were good in the bar were actually NOT good in the bar (and we therefore wound up with a $50+ bar tab that we could have done without), what did I get? An apology? No. An offer of reimbursement in trade for a receipt? No. Any sort of empathy at all? No.

I got, "Oh, that sucks."

D'you think maybe he's taking personality and sincerity lessons from George W. Bush?

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