Monday, March 24, 2008

But Where Are The Flag-Draped Caskets?


... and for what?

It's just not right. This isn't supposed to be happening. Weren't we told that we were going into Iraq because Saddam Hussein had WMD and wasn't afraid to use them? And wasn't it also that those WMD could obliterate the UK and big chunks of NATO nations within 45 minutes of their launch? And wasn't it also that Saddam Hussein and Iraq had very strong ties to al Qaeda and (gasp!!) Osama bin Laden? And weren't we going to be greeted as liberators? And weren't the Iraqis going to fling roses at us? And wasn't it all going to be over in five days or five weeks or five months? ... but no, not five years? ... and yet, there we still are. Operation Iraqi Liberation, indeed ... no wonder the name got changed from O.I.L., eh?

So let's use that last graphic this way:

LOL - The Bushies are out of their minds ... they can't honestly think anybody will believe this shit.

OMG - Colin Powell actually SAID that?!?! Good God, you can't mean that people are believing this shit?

WTF - Nobody slapped that freak non-Texan down before he uttered those sixteen words? And now he's actually sending troops to Iraq??!! I DON'T BELIEVE THIS SHIT!!

RIP, you brave sons and daughters of America
who swore your best to America
believing you were fighting to protect America
and found out too late you've been betrayed by America.

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