Tuesday, January 23, 2007

SOTU? STFU!! (Or, Much Ado About Nothing)

I'm beginning to dread January. First it's the New Year's hangover, then my birthday, then the State of the Union address. It hasn't always been this way ... the New Year's festivities weren't quite so intoxicating ... my birthday was more of a celebration than a reminder of mortality ... and the presidential chat was filled with past accomplishments and hope for the future.

Not any more.

Tonight we were treated to more whines from the same hymnal that W's been using since the turn of the century. Apparently we're all dumb as rocks, because he's changing neither words nor message, just the order in which they appear. Rumor had it that our (p)Resident would be discussing things that were important to us, but what did we really get? He's called for a reduction in dependence on foreign oil every year, but nothing in that vein has been done. He wants to promote healthcare that won't bankrupt the average family, but nothing in that vein has been done. Environment ... nothing. Education ... nothing (unless you call No Child Left Behind something other than underfunded, and I don't). Economy ... nothing (but what was that malarkey about eradicating the federal deficit? How's he planning to pay off that $87 billion he borrowed from China to start this Iraq war? Is he selling Laura, or renting out a twin?). Osama bin Laden (okay, he's only appeared since the 2002 address, but still) ... nothing. Nothing ... nothing ... nothing. I guess W's just talking about what's on HIS mind ... come on now, say it with me ... NOTHING.

George, dude, do something. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. You have made your rich corporate friends richer, you have prevented scientific research that could benefit millions of Americans, you have mortgaged my great-grandchildren's futures, and for what? Nothing.

Let me put it in a different light for you. I expect Nothing from you, because Nothing is all we've ever gotten. On 9/11, when you were told we were being attacked, you did Nothing. Your promises of accountability in the Plame scandal came to Nothing. Your pledges of support to the people of New Orleans have brought them Nothing (but Brownie did a heckuvajob, eh?). Your efforts to privatize Social Security (which were really just a transparent attempt to siphon off what little there is to that program anyhow) resulted in Nothing.

Y'all see a trend here? Have you gotten sick enough of Nothing to demand Something instead? Dammit, I grew up in the wealthiest, most productive, most emulated, most admired nation on the planet, and all of that is slipping away ... for nothing.


AvengingAngle said...

I don't think you're being fair, honey. After all, the mission has been accomplished, the incredible Shrub said so. He's accomplished a record deficit not only in money, but in the good will of the world. When it comes to racking up debt, he has excelled beyond belief. He's created more terrorists, more jobs for India and China, and turned the democratic process into a joke. Bush is the absolute best thing to happen to terrorists worldwide. After all, Clinton was actively trying to kill bin Laden, Bush ignores him except to trot out the name during Scare speeches. Don't ignore these accomplishment! /sarcasm.

I agree with you totally. As leaders go, I'd say he's a Nothing, but he's actually in the deficit area on that as well.

Mary said...

Oil, power, money, greed, lust - actually, I'd see all of the classic 7 Deadly Sins being fairly represented by these monsters' agenda as they march us into their Armaggeddon by invitation only. Then he'll really be a Nothing...I say GO but let the rest of us stay here and continue to be Something!